Volume 1, Issue Special, October 2012

Proper Implementation of Laws and Policies: A Definitive Way for Providing Justice

Roshi Bhndaree
Student, LLB, Kathmandu School of Law

Published 2012-10-31


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How to Cite

Bhndaree, R. . (2012). Proper Implementation of Laws and Policies: A Definitive Way for Providing Justice. Kathmandu School of Law Review, 1(Special), 43–60. Retrieved from http://kslreview.org/index.php/kslr/article/view/966


The economic influence is the pushing and pulling factor for the commission of the crime of trafficking. The majority of the girls, women and children they have been trafficked in the recent days more in number because of the larger growing sex market. The easy money making, open border and criminalized and organized crime on one hand encourages the pimps and the perpetrators for the commission of the crime and to the other hand the search for the means of livelihood from the victim side contributes to larger extent for the crime. The effective implementation of the laws and plans and policies are the pre-requisites for the economic enhancement of the citizen which ultimately helps to controls the crime rate. The capability enhancement could be the ultimate way for the restoration of the economic standard of the victim to the society and administration of the justice.


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  1. Books/Reviews/Articles
  2. Consultation on Gender, Migration and the Law, Focus on Bangladesh, India and Nepal 18-20 January, 2007 (New Delhi: Center for Feminist Legal Research 2007).
  3. Pearson, Elaine, Human Rights and Trafficking in Persons: a handbook(Bangkok: Global Alliance against Trafficking in women 2001).
  4. Ending Violence against Women and Girls – Protecting Human Right s(Eschborn: Deutsche Gesellschaft fü 2005).
  5. Poudel, Meena, Dealing with Hidden Issues Social RejectionExperienced by Trafficked Women In Nepal (USA: Lambert Academic Publishing 2011).
  6. Regional Study, for the Harmonization of Anti Trafficking Legal Framework in India, Bangladesh and Nepal with International standards (Kathmandu: Kathmandu School of Law 2007).
  7. Sangroula, Yubaraj, Trafficking of Girls and Women in Nepal(Kathmandu: Kathmandu School of Law 2001).
  8. Shaw, Malcolm N., International Law, 5thedition(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2004).
  9. Status and Dimensions of Trafficking within Nepalese context (Purano Baneshwor: Institute for integrated Development Studies (IIDS) 2004)Social Reponsive Human rights Legal Education(Kathmandu: Kathmandu School of Law 2004)
  10. Websites
  11. http://baer.rewi.huberlin.de/w/files/lsbpf/enendingviolenceagainstwomenandgirls.pdf
  12. http://asiafoundation.org/resources/pdfs/nepaltraffickingassesment.pdf
  13. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=44&cad=rja&ved=0CEMQFjADOCg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.undp.org.np%2Fuploads%2Fpublication%2F2009010705544399.pdf&ei=VHJJUJWlIYysrAfWnICQAQ&usg=AFQjCNGesmEuxqy0zGPq4I-t2OIFa4qDQQ
  14. http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/ASA31/006/2011/en/11fc32bc-52e7-49d8-b3d2-d9f8da6ecd42/asa310062011en.pdf http://www.internal-displacement.org/8025708F004CE90B/(httpDocuments)/ 14F7CD14AE435A03C12579DB00379545/$file/ICESCR+Third+Periodic+Report+submitted+to+Geneva_20111104012057.pdf
  15. http://nivcmail.vicollaboratory.org/nivc/groups/inwomen/lists/inwomen/archive/2009/08/1235125950000/1250620105788.pdf