Volume 1, Issue Special, October 2012

Government’s Initiatives for the Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Trafficking Survivor in Nepal: Victim Justice System Perspective

Sushila Karki
Assistant Professor, Kathmandu School of Law and Researcher on Baseline Survey, Criminal Justice System, Attorney General Office Nepal

Published 2012-10-31


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How to Cite

Karki, S. . (2012). Government’s Initiatives for the Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Trafficking Survivor in Nepal: Victim Justice System Perspective. Kathmandu School of Law Review, 1(Special), 75–103. Retrieved from http://kslreview.org/index.php/kslr/article/view/968


Trafficking, established as commercial sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, servitude, slavery or practices similar has reached alarming proportions in the present day world most effective within the South-Asian Region. Women and girls are the measure victim of trafficking. There are various reasons where women and girls prey for trafficking. Some of them primarily search out work in the wealthier countries are promised jobs and are subsequently forced into sexually exploitative situations upon arrival in the country of destination. The social stigmatization associated with trafficking due to lack of awareness in society necessarily associates all the trafficking with sexual exploitation. The key issues and challenges faced by the survivors of trafficking are social rejection, lack of ownership of citizenship which does not allow these survivors to successfully reintegrate back into the society. Some of the laws of Nepal namely Human Trafficking and Transportation Control Act 2007, Human Trafficking and Transportation Regulation 2008 provide rehabilitation measures to the survivor. In line with these legal provisions this article has made efforts to analyze role of government of Nepal in nexus with rehabilitation and reintegration principle.


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