Volume 1, Issue Special, October 2012

Leaving No Stones Unturned: The Evolving Role of Refugee Legal Framework in Protection of Victims of Trafficking

Yugichha Sangroula
Student, LLB, Kathmandu School of Law, with specialization in Environment Law

Published 2012-10-31


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How to Cite

Sangroula, Y. . (2012). Leaving No Stones Unturned: The Evolving Role of Refugee Legal Framework in Protection of Victims of Trafficking. Kathmandu School of Law Review, 1(Special), 115–133. Retrieved from http://kslreview.org/index.php/kslr/article/view/970


The proliferation of transnational crimes has made protection of victims of trafficking all the more imperative. However, as the general definition of a victim is hazed by surfacing mixed migratory patterns, legal frameworks on their protection have become unaccommodating to some victims. The role of refugee legal framework in such circumstances for added and/or supplementary protection of such victims is very consequential and the nexus between these areas is not uncanny. Whether be it the vulnerability of refugees to be trafficked or the legitimate claim of victims of trafficking on voluntary repatriation or non-refoulement that gives rise to asylum claim, adducing refugee legal framework has become essential. There needs to be burden-sharing arrangements among the countries of origin, transit and destination and concerned agencies such as UNHCR and IOM to provide utmost legal assistance to the victims of trafficking. The obligation to protect demands states to refrain from treating the victims of trafficking as illegal immigrants and any denial of protection should be reasonably justified, including the right to asylum on well-founded grounds of persecution. States are also obligated to address the challenges persistent in the concerned area.


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