Volume 5, Issue 2, November 2017

An Appraisal of Tourism Law: Eclectic in Nature

Narayan Prasad Giri
Kathmandu School of Law

Published 2017-11-30

How to Cite

Giri, N. P. (2017). An Appraisal of Tourism Law: Eclectic in Nature. Kathmandu School of Law Review, 5(2), 88–103. Retrieved from http://kslreview.org/index.php/kslr/article/view/980


The research is limited in studying the multifaceted aspects of tourism law, focusing especially on its eclectic nature. The researcher has endeavored to explore what tourism law is like and how it deals with the multi-disciplinary aspects of tourism. Prior to exploring the multi-disciplinary nature of tourism law, the researcher considered it better to outline the understanding of tourism itself. The article also discusses relation between tourism law and aspects fundamental and crucial to the understanding of tourism. The researcher opines that the relevance of tourism law can be traced in every aspect of life and every subject of knowledge, thusthe research charts out how the diverse characteristic of tourism law can help in ascertaining its eclectic nature.


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