Volume 5, Issue 2, November 2017

The Problem of Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis

Nour Mohammad
Premier University, Chittagong

Published 2017-11-30

How to Cite

Nour Mohammad. (2017). The Problem of Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis. Kathmandu School of Law Review, 5(2), 14–28. Retrieved from http://kslreview.org/index.php/kslr/article/view/982


International refugee law is a part of international human rights law, which advocates for the protection and assistance of refugees around the world. Presently the problem of refugee and internally displaced persons (IDPs) aremajor challenging issues of the globe. The Greek philosopher Euripides, in 431, recognized that “there is no greater sorrow on earth than the loss of owns native land.1 ” However, where humankind has existed there have been refugees as well. So refugee problem is not a new phenomenon, it has a long historical background. The huge influx of Rohingya refugees has begun from the beginning of this century and number has gradually increased from that period. Now it is a major concern of international human rights and humanitarian law in Bangladesh.2 The paper critically analysis and tries to identifies the international law on refugees and the influx of Rohingya refugees being faced by Bangladesh over the years. The paper deals with theConvention Relating to the Status of Refugees 1951 for the protection and assistance of the refugees and regional instruments adopted to address the refugees’ situation in the South Asian region.3


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  1. Grant, Trevor. ‘No Greater Sorrow than the Loss of One’s Native Land’, Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka, 18 May 2014, available at http://www.jdslanka.org/index.php/ analysis-reviews/human-rights/458-no-greater-sorror-than-the-loss-of-ones-native-land, accessed on 20 September 2017.
  2. Susane Schmeidi, Political Turmoil and Forced Migration, New York, 1995, p.41 3 The Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 189 UNTS 147 adopted on 28 July 1951 (Refugee Convention.
  3. Davies, S. ‘The Asian Rejection: International Refugee Law in Asia’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, 2006, p.570
  4. Rashid, Ur, H. (2000) The Refugee Law: With Case Laws and Materials, 1st edition, Anupam Gyan Bhandar, Dhaka.
  5. B Gorlick & B Barbour, New Issues in Refugee Research, Embracing the Responsibility to Protect: A Repertoire of Measures Including Asylum for Potential Victims, Research Paper No-159, UNHCR office in New York 2008.
  6. Refugee Convention (n 3), art. 33(2)
  7. A, Faruque Al, International Human Rights Law: Protection Mechanisms and Contemporary Issues, 1st edition, New Warsi Book Corporation, Dhaka 2012, p. 270.
  8. Abdullah, Al. F. Plight of Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh: Legal Aspects of the Problem in Nasir Uddin (ed), To Host or Hurt: Counter-Narratives on Rohingya Refugee Issue in Bangladesh, Institute of Culture & Development Research (ICDR), Dhaka, 2012.
  9. A. Azad and F. Jasmin, ‘Durable Solutions to the Protracted Refugee Situation: The Case of Rohingyas in Bangladesh’ vol.1, Journal of Indian Research, 2013 p. 25, 11 See Report of the WFP-UNHCR Joint Assessment Mission, 30th May-14th June, 2010.
  10. Islam, Z, Md. ‘Rohingya Refugee Problem: A Burden on Bangladesh’ Daily Sun, Dhaka, Bangladesh 8 June, 2012
  11. Abdullah (n 9).
  12. Al Imran and F.H, Mian, N. ‘The Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh: Vulnerable Group in Law and Policy’, Journal of Social Sciences, p. 233, 2014.
  13. Interview with Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Print Media, 28 July 2012.
  14. Ibid
  15. See Human Right Watch, Bangladesh: Assist, Protect Rohingya Refugees, 2012.
  16. R. Ullah, Protection of Human Rights of Refugees: An Overview, vol.10, The Chittagong University Journal of Law, p.134, 2005.
  17. S. Goodwin-Gill Guy, The Refugee in International Law, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press, 2007, p.4
  18. Refugee Convention (n 3), art. 1(a)(2)
  19. Faruque, Al, A. International Human Rights Law: Protection Mechanisms and Contemporary Issues, 1st edition, New Warsi Book Corporation, Dhaka 2012, p. 276.
  20. Available at http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refugee, Accessed on 10 June 2015.
  21. S, N. Janny, & M.Islam ‘An Analysis Refugee Problem ‘,vol.3 Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2015.
  22. Yeni, E. ‘Unwanted anywhere’ , The Irrawaddy, vol. 17(2), 2009, p.19.
  23. S. Haque, ‘Forced Migration to Mainstream: A Study on Rohingyas Refugees in Bangladesh’ 16 September, 2012, available at http:// www.bdtoday.net/english/this weekdetail/detail/31, accessed on 29 February 2009.
  24. BBC News, ‘Why is there communal violence in Myanmar’, 4 July 2014, available at www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-19092131(Accessed, accessed on 17 June 2015.
  25. See UNHCR, ‘Refugees Daily: Refugee Global Press Review’, 29 February 2009.
  26. Janny and Islam (n 23).
  27. I. Ahmed, The Plight of the Stateless Rohingyas-Response of the State, Society and the International Community, 1st edition, The University Press Limited, Dhaka 2010, p.100.
  28. Available at www.mizzima.com/news/regional/1021-rihingyas-in-dire-straits-csw.htm, accessed on 15 June 2015.
  29. N, S. Parnini, et al, ‘The Rohingya Refugee Crisis and Bangladesh- Myanmar Relations’, vol.22, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 2013.
  30. Al Imran, F. Hassan, M, N. ‘The Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh: A Vulnerable Group in Law and Policy’, vol. 8, Journal of Studies in Social Sciences, 2014, p. 244.
  31. Ibid.
  32. Interviewed with Rohingya Refugee, Cox’s Bazar, 10 June 2015.
  33. Z. Islam, ‘Rohingya Refugee Problem: A Burden on Bangladesh’, Daily Sun, Dhaka 18 June, 2012 .
  34. Rashid, Ur, H., ‘Why are Rohingyas being refused entry into Bangladesh?’, Daily Star, Dhaka 20 June 2012.
  35. I. Khan, ‘The Refugee Problem: Forcing a New Strategy’, vol.1, Bulletin on IHL and Refugee Law, 1996, p.113.
  36. Crichton, Emma & Hamid, ‘The Rohingya Crisis of June 2012:A Survivor’s Testimony’, Open Democracy, March 2013.
  37. M. Haque, ‘Ethnic Conflict in Burma and Rohingya Issue’, Refugee law Conference, Dhaka 20-22 October 2008.
  38. Rashid, Ur, H, The Refugee Law: With Case Laws and Materials, 1sted, Anupam Gyan Bhandar, Dhaka, 2000.
  39. Available at www.unhcr.org/4ee754c19.pdf, accessed on 15 June 2015.
  40. Nasaka is a Burmese word consist of officers from military customs and immigration known as the border security force in Myanmar
  41. See Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights, ‘Interim Report on the Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar’, UN Doc A/52/484, 16 October 1997 , para 140.
  42. Charter of the United Nations, 1945, preamble, para 2.
  43. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on 10 December 1948, art. 15(1) & (2) 46 S. N. Janny & M Islam, ‘An Analysis of Refugee Problems in Bangladesh’, Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, vol.3 ,2015, p.97
  44. Ibid.
  45. Ibid, p.98.
  46. Convention Relating to the Status of Refugee, adopted on 28 July 1951 arts. 1A and 33; African Refugee Convention, 1969, art. 2
  47. Ivor, C, J. The Refugee Concept in Group Situation, 1st edition, the Hague, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1999, p.315.
  48. See UNHCR, Bangladesh: Analysis of Gaps in the Protection of Rohingya Refugees, May 2007.
  49. Vijaya Kumar, V, ‘A Critical Analysis of Refugee Protection in South Asia’ Refugee Watch, vol.9, 2001.
  50. For more on the Citizenship Scrutiny Cards, see Human Rights Watch, ‘Burma: The Rohingya Muslims: Ending a Cycle of Exodus?’, Human Rights Watch, vol. 8, no. 9, September 1996, p. 26.
  51. I. Ahmed, The Plight of the Stateless Rohingyas-Response of the State, Society and the International Community, The University Press Limited, Dhaka 2010.
  52. See Human Rights Watch, Report: Discrimination in Arakan, 1999.
  53. L. Chris, ‘Issues to be Raised Concerning the Situation of Rohingya Children in Myanmar (Burma), Forum-Asia, 2003.
  54. Human Rights Watch (n 55).
  55. Ibid.
  56. Ibid.
  57. Ibid.
  58. Chris (n 56)
  59. U. Kumar Das, ‘Refugee and Relevant Laws in Bangladesh’, Daily Star, Law and Our Rights, Dhaka, 23 June 2007
  60. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on 10 December 1948, art. 3 64 Ibid, arts. 4,5.
  61. Ibid, art. 6.
  62. See United Nations, Report on the Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar, February 1996.
  63. Khan, Haque, I. and Nahid R. ‘Rohingya, ‘Outcry and Balancing Test: Obligation under International Instruments Constitutional Framework’, Year Book of Human Rights, ELCOP, 2014, p.156.
  64. P. Ahluwalia, ‘Ethical Origins of Refugee Rights and Humanitarian Law’ in Sibaji Pratim Basu (ed), The Fleeing People of South Asia, Kolkata, 2009.
  65. Ibid.