Volume 3, Issue Special, May 2013

Human Rights and Financial Institutions: Pinning the Responsibility

Nidhi Modani
National Law School of India University, Bangalore

Published 2013-05-31

How to Cite

Modani, N. (2013). Human Rights and Financial Institutions: Pinning the Responsibility. Kathmandu School of Law Review, 3(Special), 116–128. Retrieved from https://kslreview.org/index.php/kslr/article/view/1013


This paper is a study of the possible human right obligations of international financial institutions. As financial institutions have not been looked upon as agencies influencing or influenced by human rights, this study becomes significant. The study is limited to international financial institutions, with a special focus on the World Bank (hereinafter ‘Bank’) and the International Monetary Fund (hereinafter ‘Fund’ or ‘IMF’). 2 Further, there is a special focus on developing nations.3


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  1. Majority of the nations in the world are members of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Most of the international public debt of countries is owed to the World Bank and the IMF. OECD, Financing And External Debt Of Developing Countries, Survey (1989).
  2. Most of the countries that draw on their funds in the IMF or get support from the World Bank belong to the developing nations or ‘third world’ countries. The financial policy of the financial institutions has a direct impact on the political and social framework of the country.
  3. MA Geer, ‘Foreigners in their own land: Cultural Land and Transnational Corporations – Emergent International Rights and Wrongs’ (1998) Virginia Journal Of International Law, 38; KA Rodman, ‘Think globally, punish locally: Non-state actors, multinational corporations and human right sanctions’ (1998) Ethics and International Affairs, 12.
  4. Sigrun Skogly, The Human Rights Obligations of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (2001) 1.
  5. IMF’s Articles of Agreement, art XXXI; World Bank’s Articles of Agreement, art XI.
  6. Tomasevski, Between Sanctions and Elections: Aid Donors and their human rights performance (Pinter 1997).
  7. Bradlow, ‘The World Bank, the IMF and Human Rights’ (1996) Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems 47, 6; Rajagopal, ‘Crossing the Rubicon: Synthesizing the Soft International Law of the IMF and Human Rights’ (1993) Boston University International Law Journal 11.
  8. Mac Darrow, Between Shadow and Light: The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and International Human Rights Law (2003) 2.
  9. Skogly (n 5) 153.
  10. Denters, Law and Policy of IMF Conditionality (1996), 1996 12 Skogly (n 5) 17.
  11. Articles of Agreement and Bank’s Loan and Guarantee Regulations (1985).
  12. Skogly (n 5) 28.
  13. Denters (n 1 ) 90.
  14. Gold, Interpretation: IMF and the International Law (1996) 352-353.
  15. Ibid 353.
  16. Charter of the United Nations, art 102.
  17. Denters(n 11) 101.
  18. IMF Articles of Agreement, Article XXXI, s 10; IBRD Articles of Agreement, Article XI, s 1.
  19. Schermers &Blokker, International Institutional Law: Unity within Diversity (3rd edn 1995) 713.
  20. Seyersted, ‘Applicable law in relations between intergovernmental organizations and private parties’ (1967) III(122) Academic De Droit International 440.
  21. Schermers and Blokker (n 20) 1123.
  22. Agreement between the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund (15 November 1947) ; Agreement between the United Nations and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (15 November 1948).
  23. Article 1(2) of the Relationship Agreement between UN and IBRD.
  24. Bradlow, ‘The World Bank, the IMF and Human Rights’ (1996) 6(1) Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems 47, 51
  25. World Bank’s Articles of Agreement, art I(iii); the IMF’s Articles of Agreement, art (ii).
  26. Decision 287-3 (17 March, 1948).
  27. Skogly (n 5) 76.
  28. Patricia Armstrong, ‘Human Rights and Multilateral Development Banks: Governance Concerns in Decision Making’ (1994) 88 (6-9) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Society of International Law) 277, 278.
  29. Skogly (n 5) 17. She concludes the same on the basis of their changing nature of operations.
  30. Development and Human Rights: The Role of the World Bank (1998).
  31. ILC, 1 Yearbook of the International Law Commission 40 (1980).
  32. Skogly (n 5) 13.
  33. Amerasinghe, Principles of the Institutional Law of International Organizations (1996) 246-247.
  34. UN Charter, art 103.
  35. ICJ on the interpretation of the Agreement of 25 March, 1951 between WHO and Egypt.
  36. Darrow(n 8) 127.
  37. Skogly (n 5) 84.
  38. Skogly (n 5) 109.
  39. About two-thirds of the members of the Bank and the Fund have ratified the two covenants on human rights.
  40. Killick, ‘IMF Programmes in Developing Countries: Design and Impact (1995)’, 57 in Korner, The IMF and the Debt Crisis: A Guide to the Third World’s Dilemmas (1986) 2.
  41. Skogly (n 5) 143.
  42. Ibrahim Shihata, The World Bank Inspection Panel (1994) 141.
  43. Amerasinghe(n 35) 241.
  44. Ibrahim Shihata, ‘Human Rights, Development and International Financial Institutions’ (1993) 8 American University Journal on International Law and Policy 27, 36.
  45. D Gillies, ‘Human Rights, Democracy and Good Governance: Stretching the World Bank’s Policy Frontiers’ in Griesgraber and Gunter (eds), The World Bank: Lending on a Global Scale (1996) 120.
  46. Ibrahim Shihata, Issues of Governance in Borrowing Members: The Extent of their Relevance under the Bank’s Articles of Agreement (1990) 13.
  47. SR Chowdhury, Right to Development in International Law (1992) 394.
  48. Ibid 395.
  49. Ibid 396.
  50. Donnelly & Howard, Human Rights Self-monitoring: A proposal for the Northern European Democracies (1996).
  51. Skogly (n 5) 25.
  52. Though the IMF Articles of Agreement does not have a similar provision, it emphasizes in its role in dealing with issues linked with economic performances and not political ones. World Bank, Articles of Agreement, art IV, s 10,
  53. Skogly (n 5) 36.
  54. Statement of the representative of the IMF to the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities at its 43rd Session, Written Statement submitted by IMF, UN DocE/C4/Sub2/19991/63 , 7.
  55. Armstrong (n 30) 279.
  56. Knox, ‘Key Lenders tie money to rights: World Bank, IMF take untraditional step of officially linking loans to peace efforts’, The Globe and Mail (15 September 1999).
  57. For instance, during Article IV consultations with its members, IMF discussed issues like governance, employment policies, social safety nets, military expenditure and environmental issues.
  58. Many of these will have a direct effect on the domestic human rights situation. Skogly (n 5) 36.
  59. Ibrahim Shihata, The World Bank in a Changing World: Selected Essays (1991) 133.
  60. Armstrong (n 30) 279.
  61. Reference (n 33) 2.
  62. Skogly (n 5) 39.
  63. Ibid 41.
  64. Darrow (n 9) 48.
  65. World Bank Articles of Agreement, art VII, ss 2, 3; IMF Articles of Agreement, Article IX, ss 2, 3.
  66. IMF Articles of Agreement, art IX, s 3.
  67. Schermers & Blokker (n 21) 1006.
  68. Skogly (n 5) 32.
  69. Feeney, ‘The Human Rights Implications of Zambia’s privatization programme’ in Addo (ed), Human Rights Standards and the Responsibility of Transnational Corporations (1999) 71 International Bank on Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association, Resolution No 93-10, Resolution No IDA 93-6, 22 September, 1993, 12.
  70. Bradlow, ‘A test case for the World Bank’ (1996) 11 American University Journal of International Law and Policy, 248.
  71. Skogly (n 5) 181.
  72. OD 4.20 (17 September, 1991).
  73. OD 4.30 (June 1990).
  74. Daniel Bradlow & Claudio Grossman, ‘Limited Mandates and Intertwined Problems: A new challenge for the World Bank and the IMF’ (1995) 17(3) Human Rights Quarterly 411, 433.
  75. Bradlow (n 26) 52.
  76. Dana Clark, ‘The World Bank and Human Rights: The Need for Greater Accountability’ (2002) Harvard Human Rights Journal 15.
  77. Namita Wahi, ‘Human Rights Accountability of the IMF and the World Bank: A Critique of existing Mechanisms and Articulation of a Theory of Horizontal Accountability’ (2006) 12 U C Davis Journal of International Law and Policy 12.