Call for Papers-Volume 14 Read More

All contributors are invited to submit their original articles to kslreview@ksl.edu.np
Kathmandu School of Law Review (KSLR, ISSN: 2091-2110) is the flagship journal of Kathmandu School of Law, dedicated towards presenting the diverse aspects of legal academia and research. Each issue features articles from legal scholars, practitioners and students from various countries and offers critical insights to contemporary legal issues that contribute to solving global problems.
We welcome submissions from students of law schools, advocates, members of the judiciary, academia, personnel from international organizations and strategic affairs and governmental foreign policy think-tanks. Manuscripts submitted by contributors go through a comprehensive review, editing, and quality control process before being published by the KSLR Editorial Board.
With a publication history of 12 years, KSLR has published one issue per year for Volumes 1 through 3, and two issues per year from Volume 4 - one in March and one in September. However, we have currently shifted to a temporary publication cycle of one issue per year due to delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We aim to return to the bi-annual schedule from 2025.
Our main goal is to promote scholarly discussions in the legal field through publishing research-based articles, sharing knowledge, and creating a platform to enhance legal academia, both nationally and globally. We aspire to become a standard journal for anyone interested in legal education and gain widespread support in nurturing quality scholarship in the future.
Current IssueVolume 13, Issue 1, 2024
Published January 17, 2025